Dmg Sanity 5e

Dmg Sanity 5e 4,3/5 921 votes

The 5e DMG has a short section on “handling mobs:” it has a chart for approximating, out of a group of attacking monsters, how many monsters hit.

Dmg Sanity 5e Test

There are optional rules that add sanity as an ability score. They can be found in the DMG on pages 264-5. The rules for madness start on page 258 and define short-term, long-term and indefinite madnesses you can impose on the players. The rules for fear and horror on page 266 might also interest you.

It’s pretty simple: subtract attacker’s hit bonus from the target’s AC. Cross-index that number on the chart. If the number is 1-5, all the attackers hit; if it’s 6-12, 1/2 of them hit; etc., up to 1 in 20 of the attackers hitting on a 20.

  1. In a 5e SpellJammer game (doing an old 2e module) we didn't use the Madness chart per say, but Madness inducing event occurred in the story. Keep in mind the DMG is assuming you're using the Sanity and / or Honor stats beginning at character creation. In my case, I'm considering introducing Sanity as a new stat to existing characters whose.
  2. Currently I am planning to use the DMG sanity tables for the effects of failing a check but I am trying to decide what stats are used for the check. A sanity check is a WIS Saving Throw by the book, but I'm looking at INT and CHA and seeing an argument for letting a character resist with one of those stats instead. What do you guys think?

I ran a big set-piece battle yesterday: 8 mid-level PCs and 10 gnomes against 20+ drow and other assorted creatures, including a drow spider chariot and a sinister angel. With a wizard and a sorcerer PC and two drow wizards, all slinging fireballs, the mob attacks weren’t much of a factor. With all those fireballs, what I COULD have used was rules for mob saving throws.

Dmg Sanity 5e Pdf

If I’d thought about it, I’d have realized that the same chart can be used for saving throws. Instead of subtracting attack bonus from AC, subtract saving throw bonus from DC, and use the chart as normal. For instance, a fireball save DC of 15, minus the drow dex save (+2) is 13, which, according to the chart, means that 1/3 of the drow succeed on their saving throw (and probably survive with 1 or 2 HP left).

In fact, this same chart can be used for ability/skill checks (how many orcs managed to climb the wall? DC minus skill bonus) or any other d20 roll.

To me, it seems this is all you need to run fairly simple battles with dozens or hundreds of creatures per side. The amount of HP tracking is not excessive: for instance, in this unit of 50 ogres, 24 have 15 damage and the other 25 have 30 damage. (For ease of bookkeeping, assume that melee attacks always target the most-damaged creature.)

You might also care about the base size of big units. I assumed that a close-packed formation of 10 Medium troops took up the size of one Large creature. I’d say that 25 troops are Huge and 50 are Gargantuan.


Dmg Sanity 5e System

If we do any bigger-scale battles, I might find other rules that I need (after all, the Chain Mail rules are much longer than this blog post) but right now, this is looking pretty good for running big D&D skirmishes. Realplayer downloader for mac 12.0 download.

Dmg Sanity 5e 2

I am putting together a game where I would like the character to be able to suffer sanity damage for seeing stuff they aren't prepared for, but am unsure how to go about doing this. I was thinking of having them make will saves when they see or encounter certain disturbing or horrifying things but did not want to use the taint system from the hero's of horror book. I think I will institute a percentile set up for the side effects, with different charts for the different levels of the side effects.
However I am running a little short on time and would like the assistance of the GitP forum in this matter. I would like any and all assistance I can get in making up a sanity system and how to determine a sanity score and side effects. I am hoping to add a bit of mood to the game and it will fit with the aberrations and weird **** that will happen. I will appreciate any and all help i can get on this matter, thank you.