Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted

Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted 4,0/5 1646 votes

586 $ I Kh^j`Zgb. Support Skills. Name Level Obtained Effect Flamek Pact 1 Charge bar fills up 70% faster from damage taken. Custom Barrel 1 Boost to ATK, C.A. DMG, and C.A. DMG Cap based on Loaded level. Increase Loaded level by 1 upon using a skill. (see wiki for table) Extended Mastery Support Skill EMP Boost to multiattack rate upon using a buff skill.

General Mechanics Guide


WDM stands for Weapon Damage Multiplier. Put simply this is a % modifier of damage done. If you would do 1,000 damage, and your skill has 50% WDM, then you do 500 Damage before further reductions.

Next Delay
Just about every non melee attack in the game uses Diablo's 'Missiles' system. An arrow, a spell, anything that isn't a melee 'slap' carries a stat called next delay (ND for short). The ND number is the amount of frames a missile has to wait before hitting again. If a piercing missile has 0 ND, it can hit every single frame it is currently passing through an enemy's or player's hit box. If a piercing missile has 1 ND, it hits every other frame, 2 ND is every 3rd frame, and so on. Since the engine runs at 25 frames per second, a single piercing missile with 0 ND (and a big enough hit box/slow enough movement) could hit 25 times a second on an enemy.
Life and Mana Leech get reduced a higher amount in higher difficulties, and then again vs bosses in each difficulty.
Normal Effecitiveness : 1/4 th.
Nightmare Effectiveness : 1/7th.
Hell Effectiveness : 1/15th.
Bosses have a 40% reduction to leech in all difficulties.
Crushing Blow
Reduces an enemies current HP by %.
1/4 vs enemies while attacking them in melee, 1/8th with ranged
In Sigma Bosses are completely immune to crushing blow.
Deadly Strike
Flat % chance of doubling physical damage on the attack on success, this is calculated before conversion.
A WDM skill can carry conversion. This takes a stated % of your damage you would deal, and then shifts it to whichever element is stated. This is not amplified by spell damage, but it does take pierce into account.
Reducing Incoming WDM damage

DEFENSE: Most WDM attacks first have to pass the defense check, it uses the following formula:
Chance to be Hit = 100 * AR / (AR + Defense ) * 2 * attacker lvl / (attacker lvl + defender lvl)
Attacker and defender can be both a player and a monster, there’s no difference.
If it rolls successfully, then the attack will proceed to check for Block.
If the attack doesn’t pass the defense check, the defender doesn’t trigger any recovery animation
BLOCK: ALL WDM attacks have to pass the Block Check, it simply uses your block chance to attempt to block the incoming attack. If the attack gets blocked, it will trigger the Block Recovery Animation.
NOTE: Some monsters also have block, and in the case of bosses, their Block Recovery will be 0 frames, so it essentially functions as a wdm specific avoid.
*insert block formula here*
AVOID: ALL attacks (wdm or not) have to pass the Avoid Check, its essentially the same as block except it doesn’t trigger an animation if it rolls successfully.

Procs Have different “bases” and “triggers”. A proc cannot scale with any kind of + skill. Procs of the same exact base but different levels roll independently of one another. If a proc is the same exact proc, down to the lvl of the proc, they become additive and only roll their chance once. (1% chance to proc lvl 1 knife, 1% chance to proc lvl 2 knife, 1% chance to proc lvl 3 knife, vs (1+1+1)% chance to cast lvl 1 knife).
WDM based procs: All arrow/javelin/knife procs scale distance with level, but their damage/wdm stays the same (50% wdm usually). These leech just as a regular attack would. They carry CB, DS and anything else a normal ranged attack would
Spell based procs: These scale with spell damage, pierce and also by their stated level.
On Attack / On Striking
On attack procs are just about any melee attack. Only a melee “slap” can proc these. Note some skills (thorn strike for example) can be cast at range, so they fall under “On striking”.
On striking procs are any %WDM trigger at all. A javelin proc can proc another javelin proc, etc.
On Kill / On Deathblow
On kill refers to killing an enemy with WDM damage or with a specific set of rules with poison damage (see poison mechanics).
On deathblow (previously “when slain”) refers to killing an enemy with any source of damage including spell damage and poison ticks. Just like wdm procs, on slain procs can chain each other.



Enemies can be brought down to -100% resistances. This amount changes depending on if the enemy is a regular mob or a boss, and what difficulty you are currently in.
Enemy res in Normal starts at 0 and doesn’t increase even for bosses.
Enemy res in Nightmare is 0 for phys/mag, 15% elemental and poison.res
Enemy res in Hell is 0 phys/mag, 35% elemental and poison, and includes a 10% chance of an addition 15% phys res (changes in sigma?)
Bosses in destruction have 35% phys/mag res, 70% elemental and poison res.
So to bring a boss to -100% res in destruction you would need 170 pierce.
Samael, Herald of the end, has 199% Elemental res, 50% physical and magical resistance, is immune to poison and is pretty much the only exception to these rules.
Immunities are changing in sigma. If an enemy “absorbs” an elemental type they are 30/50/75% resistant to that type. This cannot be reduced in any way shape or form.

Energy Factor:
In Median XL, direct damage spells gain a damage bonus from energy. This bonus has diminishing returns: the damage gained per additional point of energy is lower if you already have lots of energy to begin with.
The energy factor bonus on some caster items modifies this curve, causing each point into energy to provide a significant benefit until much higher levels of energy. Energy factor is particularly effective for high level characters with most or all points into energy.
The formula is as follows:
(260∗(energy+10)/250+energy) + min((energy∗energyfactor)/15000,200) = % increased spell damage
Note : Strength Factor could be thought of as Energy Factor just based on another stat. It is additive with Energy Factor and they use the same formula for added damage.

Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted 3

Poison can proc ‘’on kill’’ effects normally, EXCEPT if the first frame of the poison kills the target, this is only doable if you’re ridiculously overpowered for the area (ex: endgame fully geared char in normal cold plains)
Basic: poison damage is listed as the total damage over x seconds. This value however, does not take in account how fast you are actually dealing damage. To calculate that, simply divide the total damage displayed by the length of the poison (ex: our lorenado deals 1000 damage over 10 sec will be displayed as 1k in character sheet, but you’re actually dealing 100 damage per second).

Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted A Signal

%poison skill duration will increase the length of the poison while keeping the damage per second value, so if in our previous case we add 100% poison length increase, damage will ‘’increase’’ to 2000 over 20 sec (still 100 damage per second).
%poison skill damage on poison spells will increase both the total damage and the damage per second (1000 over 10 becomes 2000 over 10 under 100% poison spell damage, dps increased from 100 to 200)
-% enemy poison resistance will increase both poison length and damage per second ONLY ON MONSTERS, this is because monster’s poison resistance both lowers damage per second and poison length by the displayed amount. If with our lorenado we hit a 75% poison resist monster, we won't be dealing 250 damage over 10 seconds, we will be dealing 63 poison damage over 2,5 seconds, both cases are 25 damage per sec. This makes poison pierce especially important, because it doesn’t only improve damage per second, but also total damage.
All these stats are multiplicative with each other. (1000 over 10 with 100% spell dmg, 100% duration and -100 enemy resist becomes 16000 over 40 seconds, 400 damage per second)
Some enemies, most notably select bosses will have additional %poison length reduction, on top of their poison resist. This reduction cannot be influenced in any way and cuts length by the specified amount.
On player characters, poison length reduction is a separate stat (that is also reduced by -50% and -100% in nightmare and hell) and poison resistance only lowers damage per second but not duration.
Multiple poison sources do not stack, the highest damage per second instance will overwrite the other. This means that a 1 second poison can and will overwrite a 40 second poison if its damage per second is higher, even if total damage dealt is less. On the other hand, repeatedly attacking a target with poison will guarantee that the highest damage per second possible will be applied in case of varying dps.


Magic Find
Magic find only influences the “rarity” roll of an item and is one of the last rolls to happen on a drop. Therefore increased magic find only changes the number of magical/rare/set/uniques you get and has no effect on the tier of base type of the item. The item base type is first decided, then tier, then it’s rarity is rolled, if a set/unique item is rolled and there are multiple drops for that set/unique, the specific item is then decided by a roll between these available items. (Will double check this for accuracy later). Magic find does not affect shrine, rune, or quantity of item drops.
If an item rolls unique but there is no possible unique for it, it drops as a set, if an item rolls set but there is no set possible for it, it drops as a rare.
XP gain:
This stat simply increases the amount of exp you gain by a %, 100% = 2x exp gain. This is MULTIPLICATIVE with player number exp boost ( so p2 with 100% exp is 3x exp not 2.5x exp)
No Drop
No drop is basically the chance for the game to 'eat' your drop. Think of it as a roll in which the game says 'No, you don't get an item when you should've'. It starts as a high number, and decreases in a diminishing fashion. This decreases per person that enters your game in a mechanically odd way. Conventional wisdom is that 3/5/7 decreases no drop, but it's a bit more complex than that. Technically every party member decreases no drop, as long as they are roughly within 2 screen lengths of your screen. Any member of your party which is in your game, but not within the 2 screen area decreases no drop at half the rate, which rounds down because diablo works that way which is where the 3/5/7 idea comes in. If one wanted to farm as efficiently as possible in a group setting, you would farm in 4 player games with 2 active groups of two since the no drop rate decreases diminishingly. 4 players total, 2 on one screen 2 on the other. You would get 'true' 3 player no drop for each party, while only boosting monsters to 4p stats.
Small recap.
3/5/7 players in game but not actively on your screen = 2/3/4 player no drop with 3/5/7 player monster stats.

Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted A Trap

Orange Text Procs:
Amazing Grace: 5% on attack proc, turns you invulnerable (100% avoid) for 1,6 seconds.
Thunderfury: 50% on attack proc, emits charged bolts that deal 75% WDM damage with 100% lightning conversion.
Area of Effect Attack.100% on attack proc, emits a physical wdm nova (100% wdm) that hits all enemies within 5 yards from the target. Multiple novas do NOT stack, each nova hits every enemy ONCE and it can proc on striking, leech, etc.
USEFUL LINKS: .. s_eng.html - Mix of useful and technical stuff, fairly in depth .. =Diablo_II - Mix of useful and technical stuff, fairly in depth - Technical and very in depth explanation of item generation
Merc MechanicsDmg
Many little things that I'll get around to eventually.
Odds and ends.
Seekers, Gavin, Ben-, Vampyra/Candyland, o_Owning Time, Jammy-, Kyoken, Gavin, HohoHaha, Connor, RollsRoyce and probably some I'm forgetting for help over the years.
Suchbalance, Whist, Marco, Aahz, Quirinus for the mod and their time making it what it is.

Wind's Fighter
RoleTank/Amp/CC/Sub DPS
Atk TypePhysical

A harpy that specializes in melee combat using her knuckles. Quickly moves between the enemies, wreaking havoc upon them. Smashes enemies by launching powerful consecutive attacks.

  • 1Overview
  • 2Skills
  • 3Transcendence Perks
    • 3.1Transcendence 3
    • 3.2Transcendence 5


Pros and Cons[edit]




  • Use Solar Stone as it applies her UW amp to all enemies


Fierce Winds[edit]

Mana 8 sec Cooldown
Dashes toward the enemy 2 times, dealing 212,140 P.DMG to enemies in range, knocking them down for 3 sec. If the target is not a Hero, deals 158,995 additional P.DMG.

20 DMG is increased by 10%.
60 DMG is increased by 15%.
120 DMG is increased by 25%.

Fierce Winds Animation

Wind Reading[edit]

Mana 15 sec Cooldown
All allies' P.Dodge Chance is increased by 250 for 15 sec, and ATK is increased by 25,079.

20ATK boost is increased by 10%.
60ATK boost is increased by 15%.
120ATK boost is increased by 25%.

Wind Reading Animation

Dive Bomb[edit]

Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted 2

Mana 12 sec Cooldown
Flies up and strikes 296,3467 P.DMG to enemies in range. Knocked down enemies take 50% increased DMG. If the target is not a Hero, deals 444,527 additional P.DMG.

20 DMG is increased by 10%.
60 DMG is increased by 15%.
120 Hit enemies are stunned for 3 sec.

Dive Bomb Animation

Tornado Strike[edit]

Passive0.5 sec Cooldown
Every 5th auto attack has a 40% chance of dealing extra 183,165 P.DMG to target. The target takes 30% increased P.DMG for 10 sec and knocking them down for 3 seconds.

20 DMG is increased by 10%.
60 DMG is increased by 15%.
120 DMG is increased by 25%.

Tornado Strike Animation

Transcendence Perks[edit]

Transcendence 3[edit]

Fierce Winds[edit]

[Light] If there is 1 enemy, DMG is increased by 100%.
[Dark] Target changes to the enemy with the highest ATK.

Wind Reading[edit]

[Light] Mana Cost is reduced by 1.
[Dark] Increases Naila's DMG dealt to non-Hero enemies by 30% for the duration of skill.

Dive Bomb[edit]

[Light] DMG is increased by 40%.
[Dark] Reduces cooldown by 10% per each enemy that takes Critical DMG.

Unibeast lion dmg.

Tornado Strike[edit]

[Light] Activation chance is boosted to 60%.
[Dark] ATK Spd is boosted by 300 when effect takes place.

Transcendence 5[edit]


[Light] ATK, DEF, HP +15% / P.Dodge +100.
[Dark] Upon dodging, all skill cooldowns are reduced by 2%. Also, ATK is boosted by 3%, and ATK Spd is boosted by 30. The ATK and ATK Spd boost can stack up to 10 times.

Unique Weapon[edit]

Cursed Claws, Baroro
Star Value Value
Upon a Crit Hit, deals 150% of ATK as P.DMG over time for 10sec. Target takes 20% increased P.DMG for the duration of skill.
180% 24%
★★ 216% 28%
★★★ 258% 34%
★★★★ 310% 41%
★★★★★ 500% 50%
  • Item introduction: A cursed pair of gauntlets crafted from the claws of the Mad Demon Baroro, which was defeated during the war. Several times the size of average human hands, these gauntlets directly connect to the nerves of the wearer, allowing its wielder to control them effortlessly. Although they grant immense power, they also break the mind of the wearer, slowly eating away at the soul. Only a true warrior of noble conviction, strong will and undying spirit may handle these cursed weapons. They are the perfect weapons for a warrior with a strong will that shines even in the darkness of the abyss.

1st Skill Unique Treasure[edit]

Soul of Gust
Star Value
[Fierce Winds] Increases DMG by 50%, and reduces the target's P.Dodge chance by 200 for 10 sec.
★★ 290
★★★ 350
★★★★ 420
★★★★★ 500
  • Item Introduction: This piece of amber containing a giant tornado is a treasure of the Harpies. According to myth, a gust of wind that Divine Beast Tyrfas raised out of rage hit the sap of the holy tree, solidified, and turned into amber. Time passed, and now it's divided into several fragments, but the gust inside has not died out. Harpies consider it to be divine and call it the Soul of Gust.

2nd Skill Unique Treasure[edit]

Himmullis's Scarf
Star Value
[Wind Reading] Increases ATK Boost by 50% and M.Dodge by 100
★★ 140
★★★ 170
★★★★ 210
★★★★★ 250
  • Item Introduction: The scarf that the dead Himmullis had on. Naila always has it on her. Himmullis use to always tell Naila to be proud of being a Harpy. The scarf contains the sadness of losing family, and this makes Naila furious.

3rd Skill Unique Treasure[edit]

Tempest Pride
Star Value
[Dive Bomb] Skill cooldown is reduced by 30% and target takes 10% more P.DMG for 10 sec.
★★ 14%
★★★ 17%
★★★★ 21%
★★★★★ 25%
  • Item introduction: A ritual offering of ancient religious people who worshiped the wind. It is a precious treasure among the Harpies, and it said to be given to the most powerful Harpy warrior. The moment one wears this mask, they'll be able to freely use the wind. They can also attack at the speed of light.

4th Skill Unique Treasure[edit]

Green Ribbon
Star Value
[Tornado Strike] Reduces the target's P.Block by 500 and P.Dodge by 200 for 10 sec.
★★ 290
★★★ 350
★★★★ 420
★★★★★ 500
  • Item Introduction: A ribbon that holds the grace of Wind Elemental. Selene gave this green ribbon to Naila, who wanted high speed. It contains a spell of Notos, the Wind Elemental, and it grants Naila rapid and powerful attacks.



  • She is 19 year old harpy.
  • She is 180cm (around 5'10' feet)
  • Her birthday is December 16.
  • Her constellation is Hexipolia the wanderer.
  • She likes fellow kinsmen and those who posses warrior's spirit.
  • She dislikes cowards and hypocrites.
  • Naila appears in chapter 2 as one of the harpies living within Elidora harpy territory.
  • She was ordered by the queen of harpies to take the holy sword aea from Kasel.
  • After she fights Kasel and crew she realizes all they want to do is help so she joins them.
  • Her sister, Himmullis, has been infected with darkness. Naila is forced to defend herself and kill Himmullis.
  • Naila begs Frey to heal her but Frey cannot do so as she is still consumed by darkness.
  • In the end, the queen harpy had attacked Naila and Selene when they separated from Kasel.
  • Lorraine appears and helps out, Frey also helps and heals Naila and Selene.

Story from the game: A stout and honorable warrior of the harpies, the wielders of the power of wind. Her dignity as a harpy warrior is more important to her than anything else in the world. She draws upon willpower and desire to uphold her warrior's honor to bring down any enemy. Her skills are exceptional, even among her peers, and she is the ideal role model for younger harpy warriors.

Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted Free


Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted 1

Aselica, Clause, Demia, Dosarta, Glenwys, Jane, Loman, Morrah, Neraxis, Phillop, Ricardo, Sonia
Bernheim, Chase, Gau, Kasel, Kirze, Naila, Nicky, Priscilla, Scarlet, Seria, Theo, Viska
Epis, Erze, Ezekiel, Fluss, Gladi, Laudia, Mirianne, Nia, Reina, Roi, Tanya
Arch, Dimael, Luna, Requina, Selene, Shamilla, Yanne, Yuria, Zafir
Annette, Cecilia, Chrisha, Crow, Hanus, Kara, Lakrak, Miruru, Mitra, Oddy, Rodina
Aisha, Artemia, Cain, Cleo, Dakaris, Esker, Lewisia, Lilia, Lorraine, Maria, Nyx, Ophelia, Pavel, Veronica
Baudouin, Cassandra, Frey, Juno, Kaulah, Laias, Lavril, Leo, Lucias, May, Mediana, Rephy, Rehartna, Shea

Gbf Dmg Dealt Is Boosted Game

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