Dmg Epic Boons

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5e dmg epic boons

The DMG discusses the possibility of providing epic boons at a rate of one per every 30,000 XP. From a review of the boons, I would not describe them all as being equal. Some I consider extremely powerful (Boon of Skill Proficiency), others I would consider more tempered considering the level of the character (Boon of Irresistable Offense).

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5e Dmg Epic Boons

Nov 28, 2014  Epic Boons (alternatives for these are ability increase can take you up to 30 or feat Suggested as rewards for characters at 20th level as they gain XP they no longer can use. Page full of examples (cannot select same boon more than once unless explicitly indicated). BooN OF CoMBAT PROWESS. As an action, you can cast the misty step spell, without using a spell slot or any components. Once you do so, you can't use this boon again until you finish a short rest. You can use a bonus action to regain a number of hit points equal to half your hit point maximum. This is a community effort to add many options that the community felt were missing from the D&D 5e SRD Hero Labs release. Sklore/HLDD5eColab.

Dmg Epic Boons

So looking through my DMG, just flipping randomly, I found this section entitled 'epic boons' after the artifacts section of the book.. And I found that I sort of like the idea. While they aren't 'epic levels' as such, they are a way for characters to continue progressing even after they hit level 20. I know they gave epic style progression in 4e core (in the form of epic levels) as well, but I never really played/ wanted to play it, so it didn't excite me nearly as much as these do.
Honestly I don't think many people will wind up using them given their 'after end game' nature, but I feel like it would be fun to start a game where you are level 20 and already have 2-4 epic boons on you, or maybe you start out level 20 in a low-magic world, and gaining said epic boons is what launches your level 20 characters from legend to myth.
Alternately, in very high power game, I could see DM's granting specific epic boons to characters below level 20, perhaps for ASI after level 10, just to make these high levels feel that much more epic.
Anyone else have thoughts about this system? Any disappointment that epic levels weren't included in core instead?

Dmg Epic Boons 5e

Page number and name of optional or variant rule:
If you have any I missed, please let me know and I'll add it.
EDIT: Added 2 variants on p140 regarding potions and scrolls
22 Renown
50 Feywild Magic
52 Shadowfell Despair
59 Psychic Dissonance
59 Blessed Beneficence
59 Pervasive Goodwill
60 Overwhelming Joy
60 Hunter's Paradise
60 Beast Transformation
61 Intense Yearning
61 Immortal Wrath
61 Power of the Mind
62 Mad Winds
62 Abyssal Corruption
63 Prison Plane
63 Vile Transformation
63 Cruel Hindrance
64 Pervasive Evil
66 Bloodlust
66 Law of Averages
66 Imposing Order
67 Planar Vitality
93 Loyalty
96 Cleric: Death Domain
97 Paladin: Oathbreaker
131 Training to Gain Levels
140 Potion Miscibility
140 Scroll Mishap
141 Wands That Don't Recharge
230 Alternatives to Epic Boons
241 Only Players Award Inspiration
251 Flanking
252 Diagonals
253 Facing
263 Proficiency Dice
263 Ability Check Proficiency
264 Background Proficiency
264 Personality Trait Proficiency
264 Hero Points
264 New Ability Scores: Honor and Sanity
266 Fear and Horror
266 Healing: Healer's Kit Dependency
266 Healing: Healing Surges
267 Healing: Slow Natural Healing
267 Rest: Epic Heroism
267 Rest: Gritty Realism
267 Firearms
267 Explosives
268 Alien Technology
269 Plot Points
270 Initiative: Initiative Score
270 Initiative: Side Initiative
270 Initiative: Speed Factor
271 Action Options
272 Hitting Cover
272 Cleaving Through Creatures
272 Injuries
273 Massive Damage
273 Morale
285 Creating a Race or Subrace
287 Modifying a Class
288 Spell Points
289 Creating a Background